Saturday, April 14, 2007

In the meantime @ FSR (Schaarbeek)

Yesterday our P8's cylinders made the 'chook chook' sound for the first time in a long while, albeit driven by compressed air. Nonetheless the sound was music to the ears.

Last Wednesday locomotive and tender were separated so during the Weekend the tender could be raised for the removal of a faulty axle. It will be overhauled in the next few days.
In the meanwhile the loco itself was stripped of any parts that would inhibit the upcoming boiler tests performed by AIB. All drive rods that had been removed for the ferry-trip from Romania were put back into position. Pistons and wheels are once more part of one assembly.

On the side work is also still progressing on the rest of the rolling stock that will operate on the heritage line we operate; Line 128 aka "The Bocq-line". See also If you would like to get your hands dirty and help us to maintain and operate this line do not hesitate to contact us!

Now that the steamer has finally made it to Belgium we're starting to get a clear picture on how it has affected our financial situation. All of the difficulties and delays over the years the actual transportation process has taken up much more of our resources than originally planned, sadly this means that our financial reserves for 2007 have been almost completely depleted.

Financial contributions towards the P8 are sadly not eligible for tax-deduction or part-ownership of the locomotive but they do assist us in an invaluable way to achieve our goal: the preservation of our national railway heritage.

Our national bank account: 035-4029004-53

For donations from abroad:


IBAN: BE53 0354 0290 0453

Also a reminder: the 1st of June and 1st of July are two important dates to circle in your Diary. June 1 will see the press-presentation of the locomotive under steam and the on first of July we will be celebrating the Centennial of Line 128. Keep coming back here and to our other websites for updates.


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